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 Business - IT alignment has always been a challenge for enterprises – often one lagging behind the other. However, with the maturation of technology enablers such as Cloud, we are witnessing the rise of a competitive strategy that enables this by design - the Platform Business Model.

Cloud Geospatial application ArcGIS architecture

How could I, as a Cloud & GIS guy, contribute to the world of Medicine? (Part II)

If you remember, last week I brought live a cloud-native GIS application. In Part I <<link>>, I explained all about the “Why?” and the “What?” I did. However, there was no time left to explain the “How?”. And here I will expand on exactly that – How did I put together that GIS cloud-native application?

To summarize Part I, before I started building I had three important requirements:

  • put something together quickly, but at the same time in a way that could be easily scaled up later
  • make it visually appealing without writing the UI from scratch
  • leverage open standards as much as possible 


Cloud Geospatial application ArcGIS screenshot

OK, I am not curing cancer, but with my skills in Cloud Applications and Geo Information Systems, I was hoping at least I can help someone who will. And so I did! By putting together a cloud-native application in few weekends, merging 3D GIS, Geospatial Analysis and Online Payments, that would help my sister, the doctor, travel the world, relax and thus get even better at her job :)

You cannot have missed the latest hype around cryptocurrencies and in particular Bitcoin – is it a store of value, is it a currency? … Debatable. What is not debatable, is the technology under the hood and how you and I can benefit from it.

Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) increasingly show their value in different industry scenarios. The Blockchain technology, for example, is the basis for one of the major cryptocurrencies at the moment - Bitcoin. It already has a well established, disruptive role in the payment industry. But now, it is also making its entrance in the Investment Management industry. Last week (Dec 10) the futures market for Bitcoin (#XBT) was started at Chicago Board Options Exchange [] in a historic first. With a bigger, second wave coming already on Dec 18 at the CME [].